Higher Education

André-Laurendeau College

  • Reduced operating costs
  • Reduced GHG emissions
  • Reduced energy use
  • Simplified O&M
  • Technology Award -1st place – Region II – Existing Educational Facilities ASHRAE 2021

Rethinking energy production

André-Laurendeau College was built in 1973 in line with the brutalist concrete bloc style common at the time. This architecture posed challenges for heating and cooling, creating many internal zones and resulting in high thermal inertia and heat accumulation in the building’s core. In addition, much of the electromechanical equipment had been in service since construction and was past its useful life. To improve the college’s energy performance and reduce maintenance, it was necessary to replace or renew essential components of the thermal power plant.

Ecosystem took advantage of this bloc architecture to design a cost-effective geothermal field coupled with an optimized internal heat recovery system. This solution benefits from Quebec’s cheap and clean electricity, while a solar wall preheats fresh incoming air in large ventilation systems. By drastically reducing natural gas consumption and using high efficiency heat pumps, the project resulted in a 78% GHG emissions reduction.

The new equipment delivers energy performance that has already exceeded expectations. The project aligns with green initiatives introduced by the college, reducing annual GHG emissions by 403 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to taking 179 cars off the road.

Customized Performance Measures

Geothermal energy

Ventilation system optimization

Solar wall installation

Chilled water network optimization

Optimization of centralized controls and recommissioning

Heat recovery

Heating system upgrade

Water tower replacement

Lighting conversion

Booster pump optimization

Project Period
Guaranteed Incentives
Energy Bill Reduction
Natural Gas Consumption Reduction
Guaranteed Annual Savings
GHG Emissions Reduction
Your industry

Higher Education

A Partner for Your Decarbonization and Energy Initiatives Higher education is challenging the status quo with ambitious goals around asset renewal, GHG reduction, resiliency, and OPEX savings. To achieve these goals,  forward-looking campuses are taking action to advance the energy transition, demonstrating a resolute commitment to carbon neutrality and the…
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