Municipalities and local authorities

City of Toronto – Emergency Medical Services Headquarters

  • Reduced GHG Emissions
  • Reduced Energy Use
  • Maximized Use of Renewable Energy
  • Simplified O&M and Resiliency
  • Improved Comfort

Reducing carbon footprint and energy use with renewable energy

As part of the City of Toronto’s ambitious Transform TO and Net Zero Strategy, its Comprehensive Energy Retrofit Program seeks to drastically reduce GHG emissions and energy consumption in City buildings, while maximizing opportunities for renewable energy. The EMS HQ retrofit was one of three pilot projects within the program.

Constructed in 1979, the EMS HQ is a series of interconnected one to three-storey buildings housing the Toronto Paramedic Services and Fire Services and the Toronto Police Services. It is also one of the most critical assets in the City’s portfolio. As such, special consideration was given to the design and construction of the project so as not to interrupt critical operations and to ensure safety during implementation – which is no small task when drilling boreholes for a geothermal system in a tight, urban environment. In close collaboration with the City and its stakeholders, Ecosystem developed a solution including ground- and air-source heat pumps as well as solar PV – renewable measures that not only simplify operations and improve occupant comfort, but also maximize the reduction of GHG emissions and energy use at a reasonable cost.

The EMS HQ energy retrofit reduced the facility’s GHG emissions by 73%, its energy consumption by 55%, and addressed all its critical asset renewal needs.

Customized Performance Measures

Geothermal heating and cooling

Heat recovery including garage ventilation heat recovery

Air-source heat pumps

LED lighting

Heating and cooling systems upgrade

Controls optimization

Solar PV

Project Period
Annual Savings
Energy Consumption Reduction
GHG Reduction
City Hall
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Municipalities and Local Authorities

Increase Energy Security, Generate Cost Savings, and Reduce Carbon Emissions. Providing a quality environment for citizens and/or residents is a must for municipalities and municipal organizations. As energy costs rise and infrastructure ages, it becomes a challenge to ensure services are delivered safely and continuously. Municipal managers are also responsible…
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