
Mineola Public Schools

  • Elimination of steam heating district-wide
  • Improved learning experience
  • Improved O&M

Path-setting EPC project

Mineola Union Free School District in Mineola, New York, educates 2,832 students from grades K-12. When the administration determined to proceed with a Phase 2 district-wide energy project, they specifically targeted infrastructure upgrades that would provide long-term energy cost savings as well as operational savings and improvements.

The school district and Ecosystem collaborated closely to conceive a bold project that directly tackled the district’s antiquated steam systems and the endless challenges of comfort, noise, control, and maintenance of such systems. Typically, school districts address steam system problems with quick fixes — insulating or re-insulating pipes, replacing steam traps, and perhaps adding additional controls and building automation — but these are short-term solutions to a long-term problem that is better mitigated at the root cause. Mineola instead chose to innovate by implementing a steam to hot water conversion, the first time this measure was approved by the State Education Department through an Energy Performance Project.

‘‘Sometimes you need a fresh set of eyes on an existing problem. Looking at things differently usually yields better results; that is why we chose Ecosystem.’’

– Michael P. Nagler, Superintendent of Schools

Project Period
Energy Bill Reduction
Energy Cost Reduction
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Creating Optimum Conditions for Student Learning and Well-Being Many school boards and districts are struggling to fund ongoing capital improvement projects and address significant deferred maintenance. Energy performance projects offer a perfect solution. School districts can leverage funds from energy savings to pay for, underwrite, or invest in projects, including…
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