While many New York institutions have made the decision to invest in combined heat and power (CHP), others hesitate, despite the profusion of public money available to support on-site generation. Experts on two panels will discuss the history and future of CHP in New York State, and the diverse reasons institutions have decided both for and against implementation.
Venue: Adelphi University, Garden City, NY. Dixon Lovely Ballroom of the Ruth S. Harley University Center, second floor.
Participants: Colleges and universities, hospitals and nursing homes, local utilities, and energy efficiency funding sources
Join us for a 30,000-foot view of the CHP market. We will look at the overall experience of end users and learn from past mistakes and successes. And we will turn toward the future, investigating the drivers and value streams that CHP has to offer and ways to overcome barriers to implementation. From incentives to policies, this panel will highlight all the essential trends decision-makers need to know before committing their institutions to heading down the path to cogeneration.
After the high-level view from policymakers, join us to hear from the institutions themselves why CHP has or has not been the right solution for their needs. Decision-makers from both finance and facilities departments will take you inside the discussions on their campuses to review what made the difference for their teams.
By Reservation: Small table lunch with Timothy P. Burton, Senior Vice President and Treasurer, Adelphi University
Please RSVP by Tuesday June 15, 2016 by registering here: http://chp_summer_conference_june29.eventbrite.com or by replying to info@ecosystem-energy.com
We look forward to seeing you!